We all know that our immune system is the only shield that can help us fight infections and viruses. It is our body’s protector to keep our health in good hands.
Given today’s global crisis, the world is experiencing global pandemic that keeps people lockdown in every home. The new type of coronavirus has attacked us again, from a single country that spreads dramatically to almost every corner of the world. Not only affecting the whole countries’ economy but also each person’s health and well-being, worst is, it took almost everybody’s lives.
As this pandemic spreads, safety precautionary measures and advice are popping out on the internet, helping and teaching people how to protect their health and well-being.
However, as we tend to keep on researching on every topic on the web, not all information we see and read are true.
We have here advice that can help you boost your immune system. It may not be a 100% effective all the time, at least it can help you strengthen your immune system in preventing the viruses and infections from getting worse.
So, How Can You Strengthen Your Immune System The Natural Way?
- Stress Management and Have Enough Sleep
At this moment, we cannot avoid thinking and stressing ourselves. It is given that this pandemic gives us stress.
Almost every person cannot avoid worrying about what will happen to the future if this crisis takes longer. The first thought will be if they are still going to have a job after this. Some people have already lost theirs, as some businesses are in a skeletal force and worse – it closes. We have to think that stress affects our health, though we cannot avoid it. Yes, we know that you have families that rely on you and you are providing them, that you want to keep them safe as well.
However, it is important to control and manage your stress, especially your emotions. Negative thoughts, emotions, and stress cause negative effects on your immune system that you need to keep it to function normally.
Try to avoid watching too much television or online news. Majority of what these broadcasting companies aired are all about the present situation, which can cause additional stress to yourself. Divert your attention to positive stories and messages. Almost every country requires its people to stay at home.
Make use of this opportunity to relax and spend time with your families. You can read a book or play fun games with your loved ones. Have time to rest and get plenty of sleep, and let your mind and body rest as well.
- Exercise Is A Great Help
You don’t need to go to the gym to have exercise, especially this time. These establishments are closed at this very moment.
You can have your daily exercise at the comfort of your home. It can be a great help to relieve stress and beneficial to your immune system as well. You can start with simple tasks in the morning. Start your day with a glass of water and stretching.
There are plenty of exercise methods you can browse on the internet that you can do in your home. Make sure to follow the methods that suit your body needs.
- Eating Healthy Food
The first things that come to your mind when eating healthy food are fruits and vegetables. Yes, you are correct.
However, you have to keep in mind as well that eating the same fruit every day is not a good idea in boosting your immune system.
It is really important to eat different type of fruits, nuts, and vegetables. You have to pair your fruits with other food that have nutrients in strengthen your immune system. Release inner chef skills in preparing your food. This time around, you have no time to eat out since all establishments are closed. You can defy and combat without processed food or unhealthy fast food and drinks for a few weeks.
Boosting your immune system’s best way is to munch those fresh vegetables and fruits. If you opt to take supplements, make sure to consult your doctor first. They are just a call away.
- Drink Moderately (If you plan to drink)
As businesses are closing, most of them are sending their people to work from home. Thus, this does not leave temptations behind, especially if you want to have a glass of wine. You can have a glass or two when you want to have a drink, and leave some for the next day.
Drinking alcoholic beverages can increase your stress level that can affect your immune system. Too much of it will make you susceptible to illnesses.
- Sun Exposure
The Sun can be a great help to boost your immune system as well. We all know that you can get Vitamin D from it the natural way. You can also take supplements, though you have to check it first from the professionals.
Supplements are taken with precautionary measures as well. You must take it with the right dosages and frequency, unlike with sun exposure that you can have it naturally. Make sure to avoid public places and crowded areas, since you can get the virus in there the fastest way as well.
However, some places are not that lucky enough to get lots of Sun, and that’s where supplements take place. You can also consume food that is rich with vitamin D – you can have eggs, salmon, tuna, mushroom, cheese and beef.
You Have To Avoid These Things As Well
Since everybody is in their panic mode at this time around, they will believe anything that they can see or read online.
There are even companies that sell natural medicines and remedies to fight this virus. However, you have to make sure as well that you need to have these remedies approved by doctors.
Remember these things to help improve your immune system.
As said earlier, when you take supplements, have your doctor’s approval first. Avoid going out to crowded public places. Some stores offer online services like groceries. They have the option to deliver your goods right at your doorsteps. Of course, always remember to wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Cleaning your house every day is also a great way to keep your environment clean.
Most of all, keep yourself from stressing too much. This crisis will pass just like everything else; all we need is to follow safety precautionary measures and advice.