Here is a list of how you can deal with health challenges one at a time through these 20 tips:
Stop thinking that your body is your enemy.
It is actually the opposite. While you are battling with your illness, your body is helping you with your fight. As the old song goes, “your body is a wonderland.” And it surely is! Although your body is not invincible to injury and illness, your body is better off with your compassion than your anger.
Stop blaming yourself if you have health problems; it’s not your fault.
At some point in our lives, we will have health struggles. But if you end up blaming yourself, you will just make yourself feel worse about it, which may only trigger more problems. So, refrain from thinking that it is your fault.
Accept that life is unpredictable and that things don’t always go your way.
When you want to make peace with what you are going through right now, the best way to go is to accept what you cannot change and embrace what is in front of you.
Stop wasting your energy in worrying about what others think about your illness.
Trying to spend your energy on people who are not worth your time is a no-no for you. Instead of thinking about how to deal with them, just use your time and energy taking care of yourself.
Learn to forgive yourself – again and again.
If you have been neglective of your health, forgive yourself right away. Looking back on your mistakes is helpful since you take a lesson out of them. However, don’t be so hard on yourself. Self-forgiveness is essential if you want to embrace compassion and positive vibes in you.
Be with people who support you all the time.
Surround yourself with people who genuinely support you. Although not everyone may be very good at showing that they care, learn to discern so you would distinguish if the person understands what you are going through or not. Knowing that you got people’s back is a relief when you have a chronic illness.
Don’t be surprised if your friends and family may disappoint you every now and then.
Learn to expect that sometimes people, especially your family and loved ones, will let you down. And sometimes, you overthink if it is your fault. The truth is, most of these circumstances happen because of what’s going on in their lives and not yours.
Convert resentment and envy to happiness.
If you are not used to being happy for others, it may require you to practice this. However, turning your resentment and envy to positive feelings reduces the times that you will feel worse about yourself.
By refraining yourself from being spiteful and envious, you become more receptive to positive emotions.
Learn to ask for help.
Asking for help is never a sign of weakness. Asking for help is showing compassion to yourself. Not everything can be done alone. You will need people to look after you.
There is nothing wrong with being lonely.
The feelings of isolation and loneliness are reasonable, and there is nothing wrong with it. Just make sure you do not succumb yourself too much with negative emotions.
Practice helping others when you have the opportunity to do so.
If you want to reduce your feelings of isolation, try reaching out to others, especially when they are in need. Helping others can also help you stop worrying too much about your health condition.
Regaining your health does not mean that your life is going to be perfect.
Make sure you stop comparing about could happen if you are healthy or not. Life is not perfect, whether you have an illness or not.
Show your appreciation to your caregivers.
Caregivers are one of those people who have continuously showered their affection and care to keep us in good shape.
They deserve our love and our appreciation.
Patience is always the key.
As cliche as it may sound, patience is a virtue. It is not a surprise if you encounter annoyances and difficulties in your life once in a while. With patience, you can alleviate your problems without making your symptoms worse.
Assess what you can give up and let go realistically to start moving on.
To make room for a new life, you need to let go of some things that you may not need anymore as you move forward. Being fixated with your past may just bring suffering and block you from enjoying the new possibilities in your life.
Your life is an adventure. So, you have to make the most out of it.
Say No when your body says No.
Saying NO is one of the hardest things you will ever do. So, as early as now, it would be best to get acquainted with the art of saying No.
When you say No, you get to practice your independence and enhance your decision skills. Learning to say No gives you the freedom to express yourself in whatever you think is appropriate.
It’s okay if you are not working in an office.
You don’t have to feel bad when you are not part of an outside workforce. Remember, taking care of yourself is work, especially if you have an illness or you are experiencing chronic pain! The truth is, you are actually engaged in a full-time job!
Feeling fed-up is okay sometimes.
It’s normal when you feel sick of being sick. It’s okay if you are having a bad day. You can always start over tomorrow. And if tomorrow is still a bad day for you, there is the day after next. Not everything is permanent so that you will have a good one soon.
Make yourself your own unconditional ally.
Being your own ally is hard to do, but if done regularly will make a lifelong habit. When you are quick to shift negative judgment to yourself, give yourself a break. And imagine what it would feel if you spent the whole day being more caring, friendly, and considerate to yourself. When you are capable of thinking about it, that means you can also do it.
Even if you have health issues, you will always be a whole person.
Being sick does not make you less of a person. Regardless of what you are going through, you are still a human being. Never let anyone try to convince you that you are different. You and everyone else are just the same.